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Opening Hours

Park opening hours

NOTE! Always look in our booking calendars for the updated times – it can differ between the parks and new times may be added depending on demand.

Which park do you want to visit?

Booking center 010 – 110 23 23

If you have any questions, you can always contact us at the booking center.
You can also reach us via email:

Phone opening hours
Monday to Friday: 9 AM – 3 PM
Close for lunch: 12 AM – 13 PM

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday: Close

In the event of an urgent matter or if you wish to come during the same day, please contact the park directly

Opening hours in the parks

Mars 1 - Oktober 31

Opening hours

Check current opening times in our booking calendar for each park

*Booking requests for weekdays

Boka Höghöjdsbanan!

Ordinary Opening Hours

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Choose your nearest city or the one you plan to visit.

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